Happy New Year 2014 + Progress Updates

Happy New Year everyone! It’s been a while since we’ve last updated this site, but we are not dead. I’ve just been a bit busy with other work and haven’t had the time to properly update the site. We had quite a bit of progress made over the past couple of months and we are now at 18361/36959 (49.6%) lines translated. We’re almost at the 50% mark, and we hope to have scripts go through editing as soon as possible.

Quick Update and New Site

Hey there everyone, I just wanted to drop in with a quick update. Everyone on the team has been quite busy lately and progress has been a bit slow, but rest assured the project is still chugging along. We are now at 13691/36959 (37.0%) lines translated and slowly inching ourselves towards the half-way mark. I’ve personally been a bit busy with Refrain Subs as well as school and other work. The rest of the team has been busy with their own personal lives as well and things have been slower than expected. Regardless, I was recently told that our translators will have more time coming up and will be able to put in more time into the translation so we expect the pace to pick up again.

In other news, we have also launched a new page for Lavender Translations at http://lavendertranslations.wordpress.com. We will still continue to use this page to keep track of the Kourin no Machi project, but the new site will be used to track other projects and future plans for Lavender Translations as having a site dedicated to the group is probably better than just having a site for a single project. Anyways, that is all for now, we look forward to hear from you guys about our new page and any requests as well.

We’re now at 35%! Also Little Busters!: Refrain Subbing Project

Just dropping a quick post as usual, we’re now currently at 13075/36959 (35.4%) lines translated and have also started to do some editing on the earlier scripts as well. Progress will most likely be a bit slower due to real life concerns for a few of our TLs which includes school and a bunch of other factors. Hopefully, everything will bode well and things will be back to the usual pace soon.

In other news, I have decided to tag along with another sub group and come together to form a temporary group known as Refrain Subs to help fansub Little Busters!: Refrain. We will be doing this joint project with Blubbersubs. This should not really affect our usual work as a translation group for Kourin no Machi.

Officially at 30% Translated

Sorry that I haven’t been updating this page as often as I would like. No we are not dead, work is still progressing and I do have an update today. Most of us have been a bit busy with school and work since it is September already. I was also out of the country for a while, so just being able to settle back into normal life has been a struggle, especially with school. Anyways, we are now at 11239/36959 (30.4%) lines translated and have officially passed the 30% mark, we are slowly getting there, that’s for sure. Until next time.

New Staff Member & Update (25% Translated)

So after looking for quite some time, we have found another translator to join the team. Welcome arianne to our team, our latest translator to hop on board. With an additional translator, we should be speeding up the pace of our translation as well. We are now at 9356/36959 (25.3%) lines translated and going strong. Lastly, we have also tested our first in-house patch for the game and have finally been able to upload text into our game. However, it requires a bit more work than expected, so a partial patch may take a bit longer than originally expected. We’re currently looking into a possible common route patch when we have the full common route translated and edited. Other than that, we are pretty much just moving on as usual. We are still looking for more translators to replace one that went missing. So if you have some free time, feel free to leave a comment and apply.

A Late Update

Sorry for the lack of updates lately, I’ve personally been away due to some trips. Two of them in fact, I have finally had some downtime to post here again. In terms of good news we are now at 7787/36959 (21.1%) lines translated. The progress has been a bit slow lately, but that is because we have all been pretty busy. For me, I’ve been busy editing some other projects, and the other translator has some school stuff to deal with. Regardless, we intend to carry on and continue to translate the rest of it as quickly as possible. Our TLC has also started work on checking our translations, so we should be set on that front.

Of course, we are still looking for additional translators. Since the progress and pace has been pretty slow, it would help a lot if we had some more help. If you can give us a hand, feel free to leave a comment, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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More (Good) News

After spending some time looking for a TLC, we have finally found one. harry_kinomoto is now officially our TLC for the project, we look forward to working together as a team to bring the best translation possible. In addition we have also completed two more scripts and have translated 7288/36959 (19.7%) lines in total. We are really close to the 20% mark and the pace is also picking up.

We are still looking for additional translators. Please apply by leaving a comment if you’re interested.


Another Quick Update (No Really)

Been a bit busy lately, so haven’t had too much time to post. The translation is a bit slower than expected due to most of our translators being busy or out of town during the early part of summer. We are currently at 6900/36959 (18.7%) lines translated.

We have also confirmed our TLC and they should be on board shortly. In addition, we are still looking for additional translators, if you want to give us a hand just leave a comment anywhere and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

So to make the wait a bit more bearable, have some Kourin no Machi, Lavender no Shoujo goodness.

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Another Fast Update

Hey everyone, we are not dead. We just have been having some slow progress lately due to a few unforeseen events. One of our translators is currently sick, while the other is on vacation. So progress has been slower, but when everyone is back working again, the pace should be quicker. On the bright side, we have found a TLC that is interested, hopefully they will join the team and speed up the pace. With that being said we are at 6700/36959 (18.1%) lines translated.

Hacking is also being worked on, as the encryption is tougher than we initially expected, if anyone knows the encryption algorithm, it would be really nice if you could give us a hand as well. We are also looking at finding another translator as well to pick up the pace. So if you can give us a hand, feel free to leave us a comment.

Time for another update

Just dropping by with another update, progress has been going fairly smoothly. One of our translators is currently on vacation, so progress may slow down a bit. On the bright side we have brought our progress to about 17.4% with 6437 out of 36959 lines fully translated now. I’m also currently working on hacking the scripts back into the game. As soon as that is done, we’ll be able to get the editors started on editing the scripts.

In other news, we are still looking to recruit more translators, and hopefully a translation checker as well. If you feel confident in having some Japanese skills, please do feel free to apply. We’ll also most likely put someone in charge of translations and just have a TL lead and have them be the TLC as well since that would make it easier for us to have a more uniform translation and to also streamline the process of translation.