Another Fast Update

Hey everyone, we are not dead. We just have been having some slow progress lately due to a few unforeseen events. One of our translators is currently sick, while the other is on vacation. So progress has been slower, but when everyone is back working again, the pace should be quicker. On the bright side, we have found a TLC that is interested, hopefully they will join the team and speed up the pace. With that being said we are at 6700/36959 (18.1%) lines translated.

Hacking is also being worked on, as the encryption is tougher than we initially expected, if anyone knows the encryption algorithm, it would be really nice if you could give us a hand as well. We are also looking at finding another translator as well to pick up the pace. So if you can give us a hand, feel free to leave us a comment.

2 responses to “Another Fast Update”

  1. Mizuko says :

    Well, I don’t have this game… but…

    This is Kirikiri, right? You have the scripts extracted from an xp3 file with a normal Kirikiri tool? But the game doesn’t work when you try to use a patch.xp3 to patch the scripts in? And perhaps the game has a “xp3dec.tpm” file?

    Well, those are just random guesses from what I’ve seen before. The long and short of it is that I could probably figure it out, given one of the xp3 files.

    Here’s an email address for me, too. mizuko aat

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  1. Visual Novels Translation Status [06/16/2013] - Page 3 - June 17, 2013

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